/aa admin.css Style sheet file for administative interface changes.txt File for notices about chenges done in toolkit project slice.php Main file, which make all work for view of live page - public slice view. Obviosly called from user's shtml file (slice.shtml for example). This script shows just one category or all items or only highlighted ones or search form or ... if you set appropriate parameters. /aa/images *.gif Pictures used in administration interface. /aa/admin (Admin inreface files) feed_to.php Form for feeding selected items (called from inddex.php) index.php Main administration interface file. Shows Approved holding or trash bin tables in more or less detail and responses to required actions with selected items. itemedit.php File called for displaing Item Form - form for editing/adding items. make_rss.php Returns Rich Site Summary RDF file from slice (may be used for node to node exchanging items) se_*.php Slice edit files - all called form Slice Edit page slicedit.php The main (first) slice edit page for setting main and default values for selected slice se_category.php Slice edit file - category management se_category2.php Slice edit file - processes results from category setting in se_category.php se_compact.php Slice edit file - compact view (list of items) design setting se_fields.php Slice edit file - setting of fields - which should apear in input form (itemedit.php) and if they are required se_filters.php Slice edit file - setting of automatical feeding - which categories to import and into which. se_filters2.php Slice edit file - processes results from filters setting (se_filters.php) se_fulltext.php Slice edit file - fulltext view design setting se_import.php Slice edit file - feeding setting - which slice import, to which slices enable export se_import2.php Slice edit file - processes results from feeding setting (se_import.php) se_newuser.php Slice edit file - actualy not used - replaced by user management pages (um_*.php) - create new user form se_search.php Slice edit file - big search form setting - which fields are shown ... se_users.php Slice edit file - setting permissions for users (roles author, editor, admin, superuser) se_users_add.php Slice edit file - add new slice user - (s)he must already been created - by usermanagement functions) sliceadd.php Allows selecting type of slice when new slice is created um_*.php User management functions um_gedit.php User management - edit/create user (new user in whole permission system - not related to any slice of aplication) um_uedit.php User management - edit/cerate group - add/delete member ... /aa/include *_lang.php Language files - there are two types language files - common and others common - there are stored all language constants common to all action aplications - there is only one *_common_lang.php file per AA instalation others - each file defines one action aplication (or its language mutation) cz_common_lang.php Common language file - Czech - used by all aplications in czech version en_common_lang.php Common language file - English - used by all aplications in english version cz_news_lang.php News listing language file - Czech - defines news listing action aplication en_news_lang.php News listing language file - English - defines news listing action aplication en_press_lang.php Press releases publisher language file - English - defines press releases publisher action aplication en_all_lang.php Maximalistic language fiel - English - used as base file to create new action aplication perm_*.php Permission system files - there is two parts of permission system: 1) Action aplication independent Perm API (based on LDAP, SQL or none permission) perm_ldap.php Permission API based on LDAP (default) perm_sql.php Permission API based on SQL perm_dummy.php Permission API dummy - no permission defined - all can do all (switch permission system in config.php) 2) Action aplication specific perm functions perm_core.php Calls only functions from Perm API (resolves semantics of perm strings, makes object hierarchy (aa->slice) ...) init_page.php File included on the bgegin of each admin page - selects slice, language file, sets variables navbar.php Shows top navigation bar leftbar_se.php Shows left menu on slice edit pages (se_*.php) se_inc.php Common include file for slice edit pages (se_*.php) um_inc.php Common include file for user management pages (um_*.php) includinf left menu leftbar.php Shows left menu on main page (index.php) big_srch.php Displays search form on public web page (slice.php) loginform.html Displays login form scroller.php Defines class for page scroller date.php Defines class for date manipulation item.php Defines class for item manipulation (shows item in compact or fulltext format, replaces aliases ...) varset.php Defines class for inserting and updating database fields util.php Set of usefull functions used on most pages formutil.php Set of usefull functions for work with forms feeding.php Functions for feeding items searchlib.php Set of usefull functions related to search database js_lib.js Set of usefull JavaScript scripts config.php Main configuration file - mostly all AA parameters can be set there. ext*.php, loc*.php Configuration files for Phplib's session management and authentication. No changes are made in phplib itself. extsess.php Extends PHPLIB's session class extsessi.php Extends PHPLIB's session class for encapsulated pages (slice.php called inside slice.shtml) extauth.php Extends PHPLIB's authentication class extauthnobody.php Extends PHPLIB's authentication class for anonymous user locauth.php Main include file for using authentication feature on page locsess.php Main include file for using session management function on page doit_*.* Usefull scripts for administration - not used in any aplication doit_perm_admin_user.inc doit_perm_admin_user.php doit_perm_clean.inc doit_perm_first_users.inc doit_perm_test.inc doit_test_utils.php